
The molecular specificity of Raman spectroscopy provides a powerful tool for the analytical interrogation of mineralogical and many biological specimens. The Raman Laser Spectrometer (RLS) is a compact Raman spectrometer under development for deployment on the Martian surface as part of the forthcoming ESA ExoMars mission. This will be the first Raman instrument deployed in space. The scientific interpretation of the data emerging from such an instrument not only addresses the geological and mineral composition of the specimens but also enables an assessment to be made of organic biomaterials that may be preserved in the planetary geological record. The latter evidence centres on the residual and distinctive chemistry relating to the biological adaptation of the geological matrix that has occurred as a result of extremophilic organisms colonizing suitable geological niches for their survival in environmentally stressed habitats on Mars. These biogeological modifications have been studied terrestrially for Mars analogue sites and consist of both a geological component and residual key organic biomarkers, the recognition of which would be a prime factor in life detection surveys of a planetary surface and subsurface. In this paper, the protocols required for the Raman spectral discrimination of key biogeological features that may be detectable on the Martian planetary surface or subsurface are developed using the UK breadboard (UKBB) instrument. This instrument has been constructed to be functionally equivalent to the RLS flight instrument design in order to evaluate the feasible science return of the instrument which will finally be delivered to Mars. Initial Raman measurements using the UKBB are presented and compared with the performance of a commercial laboratory Raman microscope. The initial measurements reported here demonstrate this flight-like prototype achieves straightforward detection of biological signatures contained in geological matrices with Raman band signal to noise ratios high enough to determine sample composition by inspection and without the need for deconvolution or further processing.

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