
Human emotions are a complex manifestation of natural phenomena. However, these emotions to some extent can be mathematically expressed in form of simple equations. We have observed games and events and the reaction of the crowds to a particular situation. We find some events interesting and some dull. This subjective feeling has been mathematically expressed in form of an equation and termed as‘ Excitement’. A numerical factor is obtained, the magnitude of which gives the degree of excitement. Key-words: Biased, Depression, Event, Excitement, Impulse, Un-biased. I. The Excitement Theory The beauty of nature is that it manifests everywhere in the form of mathematical equations having simple base. In the physical world, we can see that a diverse and complex natural phenomena occurs. And we have tried to simplify the diverse phenomena in terms of physical concepts and laws, for the most complex natural phenomena can be explained in the simplest law and equation. Human behaviour is just the reflection of the material world . By analogy, human nature can be explained in terms of laws governing the physical world. It was through this analogy and symmetry in nature that led de Broglie to propose his theory on matter waves. If in nature, everything is so symmetrical that concept of matter could be explained in terms of energy, then surely human behaviour and laws governing the physical world ought to have some coherence. We have both played and observed games. We find some matches exciting whereas some are dull and boring. We often find people suffering from heat-attacks after an interesting event or people committing suicide after failing. This paper is chiefly concentrated on describing the human emotions in mathematical equations and applications of the equations on related population groups. And as this is a subjective theory, and like all subjective theories the onus lies on the author to convince the readers, so I leave it to my readers to trust your intuition after you have assessed the contents. A successful theory will not only explain the present circumstances but will appeal to the wide majority, be scientific and stand the test of time. I

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