
The name Draper is associated with pioneering achievements in photography and spectroscopy. John William Draper (1811-82), a prominent physician, is, however, best remembered for his investigations in photochemistry, photography, and spectroscopy) He was the first to take a daguerreotype portrait with the subject's eyes open; he made the first successful photograph of the moon in 1840; and somewhat later photographed the spectrum of the sun, being the first to reveal the ultraviolet and infrared portions. He also identified the lines in the solar spectrum due to the earth's atmosphere. One of his three sons, Henry Draper, M.D. (1837-82), followed closely in his father's footsteps. Also prominent in the medical profession, he, too, is better remembered for his achievements in spectrum photography, especially for having been the first to obtain a photograph of a stellar spectrum showing lines -the spectrum of Vega in 1872. 5 Earlier, in 1863, Sir William Huggins in England had made the attempt, but his spectrum showed no lines, only a continuum. 3

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