
Biosilicification (the formation of biological structures from silica) occurs in diverse eukaryotic lineages, plays a major role in global biogeochemical cycles, and has significant biotechnological applications. Silicon (Si) uptake is crucial for biosilicification, yet the evolutionary history of the transporters involved remains poorly known. Recent evidence suggests that the SIT family of Si transporters, initially identified in diatoms, may be widely distributed, with an extended family of related transporters (SIT-Ls) present in some nonsilicified organisms. Here, we identify SITs and SIT-Ls in a range of eukaryotes, including major silicified lineages (radiolarians and chrysophytes) and also bacterial SIT-Ls. Our evidence suggests that the symmetrical 10-transmembrane-domain SIT structure has independently evolved multiple times via duplication and fusion of 5-transmembrane-domain SIT-Ls. We also identify a second gene family, similar to the active Si transporter Lsi2, that is broadly distributed amongst siliceous and nonsiliceous eukaryotes. Our analyses resolve a distinct group of Lsi2-like genes, including plant and diatom Si-responsive genes, and sequences unique to siliceous sponges and choanoflagellates. The SIT/SIT-L and Lsi2 transporter families likely contribute to biosilicification in diverse lineages, indicating an ancient role for Si transport in eukaryotes. We propose that these Si transporters may have arisen initially to prevent Si toxicity in the high Si Precambrian oceans, with subsequent biologically induced reductions in Si concentrations of Phanerozoic seas leading to widespread losses of SIT, SIT-L, and Lsi2-like genes in diverse lineages. Thus, the origin and diversification of two independent Si transporter families both drove and were driven by ancient ocean Si levels.


  • The involvement of silicon (Si) in biology is a widespread but relatively poorly understood phenomenon

  • Phylogenetic analysis points toward an ancient origin deep in the eukaryotic phylogeny, with the inference that the eukaryotic last common ancestor (LCA) may have possessed Silicon Transporter genes

  • Alternative evolutionary scenarios involving ancient horizontal gene transfer (HGT) events may explain the taxonomic distribution of the SITs and SIT-Ls, these scenarios require extensive gene loss and multiple independent origins of the SITs

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The involvement of silicon (Si) in biology is a widespread but relatively poorly understood phenomenon. The most prominent role for Si in eukaryotes is in the formation of biomineralized cellular structures. Silica is the most taxonomically diverse biomineral (Knoll and Kotrc 2015), occurring in all main eukaryotic supergroups Major silicified lineages are found in the stramenopiles (diatoms, chrysophytes/synurophytes, dictyochophytes, etc.), rhizarians (phaeodarians, polycystinean radiolarians, etc.), opisthokonts (sponges and loricate choanoflagellates), testate amoebae, and land plants These organisms use silica extensively to form macrostructures such as protective cell coverings less prominent silicified structures are present in many other lineages (e.g., copepod mouthparts)

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