
In the article, the author examines the evolution of relations between Turkmenistan and Russia in the post-Soviet period. He analyses the key factors behind the Russian interest in the former Soviet republic after it gained independence: energy resources and the geopolitical situation, especially its status as a Caspian Sea country. The struggle for oil and gas, control over natural resources and important transit corridors have shaped Russia's interests and priorities vis-à-vis the former Soviet republic. For the Turkmen leadership and elite, who proclaimed the country's neutral status, the pursuit of economic gains and regime security have become major factors in the development of foreign policy strategy. An analysis of Turkmenistan's foreign policy in the post-Soviet era demonstrates the continuity of political culture and the stability of the national foreign policy priority system. Between 1991 and 2023, despite all the challenges, disagreements and temporary “cooling-offs”, the Russian vector of foreign policy remained a priority for Turkmenistan. With the election of new President Serdar Berdimuhamedow in 2022, the relationship between the two countries has strengthened and has taken on a strategic character. With the current geopolitical division of the world, the Turkmen government is oriented much more towards the East than the West.

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