
IT seems but yesterday that Rontgen's epochal discovery was flashed to the world and so, to those who were fortunate enough at that time to be on their way toward a medical career, congratulations are extended. And, when certain professional men have been still further favored by living through the intervening period and have been permitted to extend a guiding hand toward shaping the destinies of x-ray energy, that, too, may well be considered a fortuitous opportunity which is accorded to relatively few. One of those fortunate few is our own distinguished honoree, Dr. Rollin H. Stevens. Let us look back for a moment to those stirring days in the late nineties when Rontgen's achievement startled the world. Let us recall to mind the press notices, the skepticism, the condemnation, the enthusiasm, the ridicule, the warnings, and in fact the entire potpourri of emotional misinformation which, sad to relate, still crops out from time to time despite over forty years of study and education through all the world...

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