
This paper aims to explore the evolution of pedagogical theories, from traditional to modern approaches, and analyze the impact of these approaches on student engagement and success. The limitations of traditional teaching methods include low active participation of students, lack of personalized teaching and insufficient motivation of students. With the rise of modern teaching methods, student engagement has increased, the importance of personalized teaching and feedback has been emphasized, and student motivation has been enhanced. The evolution of teaching theory involves key theories such as behaviorism, constructivism and sociocultural theory, and also reflects the trend of integrating and synthesizing different theories. Through a review of practical cases and research evidence, this paper validates the positive impact of modern teaching methods on student engagement and success. However, there are still challenges such as teacher training and resource needs, and future directions include personalized learning and the application of technology. In conclusion, this paper emphasizes the importance of modern teaching methods for student participation and success, and provides useful enlightenment for educational practice and teaching reform.

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