
The Evolution of Earth Federation from a Cosmic Perspective


  • All human beings, regardless of their nationality, have many fundamental interests in common, and face some enormous common problems, such as: Global warming and other forms of damage to the environment have become an alarming new threat to our children’s heritage

  • Could a global parliament include non-democratic states, putting the principle of universality first, or do we have to wait until all states become democratic, putting democracy first? We address this question

  • It is proposed that NATO and the OECD should be reconstituted as two arms of a new World Security Community of democratic nations

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Regardless of their nationality, have many fundamental interests in common, and face some enormous common problems, such as:. The basic human rights of many thousands of people are trampled on every day, without means of redress. Several of the astronauts have commented, looking back at the Earth, that the artificial boundaries between nation-states are invisible from space. The godfather of ‘Big History’ in his attempt at a history of the whole planet, “The Outline of History” (1922) He was a prophet of world government, with two books, “The World Set Free” (1914), and “The Shape of Things to Come” (1933). Albert Einstein was a world federalist, and spent much of the last ten years of his life arguing tirelessly for world government, co-authoring the Russell-Einstein manifesto, for instance As long as sovereign states continue to have separate armaments and armament secrets, new world wars will be inevitable.” (quoted in Nathan and Nordern 1968)

Journal of Big History
Principles of an Earth Federation
Pathways to an Earth Federation
The European example
Proposal and Objectives
Political considerations
Sweden is an example of a neutral state within
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