
We investigate how age-structure and differences in certain demographic traits between residents and immigrants of a single species act to determine the evolutionarily stable dispersal strategy in a two-patch environment that is heterogeneous in space but constant in time. These two factors have been neglected in previous models of the evolution of dispersal, which generally consider organisms with very simple life-cycles and assume that, whatever their origin, individuals in a given habitat have the same bio-demographic characteristics. However, there is increasing empirical evidence that dispersing individuals have different demographic properties from phylopatric ones. We develop a matrix model in which recruitment depends on local population densities. We assume that dispersal entails a proportional cost to immigrant fecundity, which can be compensated by differences in survival rates between immigrants and residents. The evolutionarily stable strategies (ESS) for dispersal are identified using a combination of analytical expressions and numerical simulations. Our results show that philopatry is selected (1) when dispersal rates do not vary in space, (2) when the metapopulation is a source-sink system and (3) when dispersal rates vary in space (asymmetric dispersal) and immigrants do not compensate for their reduced fecundity. We observe that non-zero asymmetric dispersal rates may be evolutionarily stable when (1) immigrants and residents are demographically alike and (2) immigrants compensate totally for their reduced fecundity through an increase in adult survival. Under these conditions, we find that the ESS occurs when the fitnesses at equilibrium in the two habitats, measured in our model by the realized reproductive rates, are each equal to unity. A comparison with previous studies suggests a unifying rule for the evolution of dispersal: the dispersal rates which permit the spatial homogenization of fitnesses are ESSs. This condition provides new insight into the evolutionary stability of source-sink systems. It also supports the hypothesis that immigrants have adapted demographic strategies, rather than the hypothesis that dispersal is costly and immigrants are at a disavantage compared with residents.

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