
The results of numerical studies of the evolution of a close binary system containing a black hole with a mass of ∼3000M ⊙ are presented. Such a black hole could form in the center of a sufficiently rich and massive globular cluster. The secondary could be a main-sequence star, giant, or degenerate dwarf that fills or nearly fills its Roche lobe. The numerical simulations of the evolution of such a system take into account the magnetic wind of the donor together with the wind induced by X-ray irradiation from the primary, the radiation of gravitational waves by the system, and the nuclear evolution of the donor. Mass transfer between the components is possible when the donor fills its Roche lobe, and also via the black hole’s capture of some material from the induced stellar wind. The computations show that the evolution of systems with solar-mass donors depends only weakly on the mass of the accretor. We conclude that the observed ultra-luminous X-ray sources (L X ≳ 1038 erg/s) in nearby galaxies could include accreting black holes with masses of 102∓104 M ⊙. Three scenarios for the formation of black holes with such masses in the cores of globular clusters are considered: the collapse of superstars with the corresponding masses, the accretion of gas by a black hole with a stellar initial mass (<100M ⊙), and the tidal accumulation of stellar black holes. We conclude that the tidal accumulation of stellar-mass black holes is the main scenario for the formation of intermediate-mass black holes (102∓104 M ⊙) in the cores of globular clusters.

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