
Plastic pollution is a pressing global environmental concern, exerting significant impacts on both aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems in recent decades. The detrimental effects of plastic on various species within these habitats have raised serious alarm. Regrettably, human exposure to microplastics (MPs) and nanoplastics (NPs) through contaminated food has become unavoidable, but the comprehensive extent of their consequences remains largely unexplored. This review aims to advance existing research and conduct a comprehensive evaluation of current studies pertaining to the potential toxicity and negative impacts of micro- and nano-plastics on soil, water, and land, with a specific focus on their implications for human health. Through meticulous examination of the existing literature, we aim to provide a succinct overview of the potential risks associated with micro and nano plastics, thereby guiding and emphasizing the direction for future research in this domain and addressing critical knowledge gaps. The study underscores that extant research has established a clear association between micro and nano plastics and their adverse effects on the digestive system, cell lines, and reproductive health. Nevertheless, deeper investigations are imperative to achieve a better understanding of the cellular, molecular, neurological, and systemic toxicity caused by these minute plastic particles. Information presented in the review provides a scientific understanding of the hazards posed by micro and nano plastics to both the environment and human health is essential for formulating effective mitigation strategies and regulatory measures.

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