
The aim of the article is to reveal the process of forced eviction of the Polish and German population from the border regions of the Ukrainian SSR to the Kazakh Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (since 1936 – the Kazakh SSR) in the period of 1935–1936 based on the analysis of little-known documents stored in the archives of the Security Service of Ukraine. The research methodology is based on historical and scientific principles, as well as the use of historical-genetic, problem-chronological and comparative methods. Results. In 1935–1936, the Soviet government pursued a policy of forced eviction of residents from the territories near the western border of the Ukrainian SSR. The border areas were under the supervision of the military command of the republic at that time. In the early 1930s the border began to be actively fortified, and the border area of 7,5 km was defined as esplanade (that is, a territory between military or fortified objects and settlements). According to the Soviet leadership, it was necessary to evict the local population from this territory, including Polish and German people. Residents of the western regions of the Ukrainian SSR came under special attention of the NKVD, who for the most part had a negative attitude towards the Soviet regime. Besides, they had relatives abroad, and in the case of a future armed conflict with neighboring countries, they could support foreign troops. There were 178 such settlements. They were home to 4 232 Polish and 1 357 German families with a total number of more than 27 000 people. But subsequently, the total number of planned migrants increased to 15 000 families, which amounted to 70 000 people. Due to the fact that all vacant lands in the southeastern regions of the republic were settled in the 1920s, it was planned to move the named number of Polish and German families mainly to Kazakhstan. Conclusions. In 1935–1936, the NKVD officers evicted not only the Ukrainian population, but also residents of Polish and German national regions. In 1936, more than 74 000 people were resettled from Vinnytsa, Kyiv and Odesa regions to the Kazakh SSR. Thus, forced eviction of population from the border areas became a continuation of the Soviet regime’s repressive policy as a means of overcoming the protest movements of the inhabitants of the Ukrainian SSR. Practical value. The results of the study outline a range of little-studied problems that can be investigated in the future with declassification of new documents of this period; the information presented in the article can be used in the development of educational programs. Originality. The study is based on little-known documents stored in the archives of the Security Service of Ukraine. Scientific novelty. The article supplements historical research on the national and repressive policies of the Soviet regime, which makes it topical and fills in the gaps in historical data on forced evictions of the mid-1930s. Article type: empirical.


  • Representatives of Polish and German nationalities began to be perceived by the Soviet authorities as «spies» acting against the USSR

  • In the late 1920s, the Soviet government developed a series of regulations on the special status of the border area, which was due to a number of reasons. 7.5 km area along the border and plus 20 kilometers of adjacent territory became esplanade

  • In 1929, it was decided to evict from the border all those disloyal to the government and replace this population with collective farmers and members of the CP(b)U from other regions of the USSR

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Универсум истории и археологии

Виселення польського та німецького населення з прикордонних областей УСРР до Казахської РСР у 1935–1936 рр. Примусове виселення мешканців прикордонних територій стало продовженням репресивної політики радянського режиму як засобу подолання протестних рухів жителів Української СРР. Ключові слова: виселення; еспланадна зона; поляки; німці; Українська СРР; Казахська РСР. Выселение польского и немецкого населения из приграничных областей УССР в Казахскую ССР в 1935–1936 гг. Принудительное выселение населения из приграничных территорий стало продолжением репрессивной политики советского режима как средства преодоления протестных движений жителей Украинской ССР. Bohomolets National Medical University, Peremohy Avenue, 34, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03056

Zhytomyr Baranowskyi
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