
Ever since the Soviet Union design solutions were evaluated according to different criteria and indicators. At the present stage of evaluation systems of design solutions stands systemengineering doctrine is allocated. It is complemented by the theory of efficiency and financial sustainability investment project in view of the general market concept. Also great attention is paid to the virtual object modeling. It is urgent to include the behavior prediction of an investment construction project model at each stage of its life cycle. The high cost of all phases of this life cycle makes it necessary to calculate the feasibility of the investment. Very urgent to do it as accurately as possible and before we start of design works on the stage of the investment plan evaluation. Belarus has legislated pre-investment stage of construction project development. To evaluate the design solution at this stage is necessary to develop an investment justification, a project management plan and a business plan. They will evaluate and will compare several options for future objects by the complex. This requires not only time, but considerable financial costs. In order to optimize the process to develop an evaluation system design solutions based on existing projects. It allows the customer (investor) choose design solutions to build the object without developing of pre-design documentations for several options. This system it is advisable to try out the example of apartment house building with the assistance of the national fund of project documentation and objects-analogues data bank. The developed evaluation system of design solutions for residential real estate objects in the pre-investment stage is supposed to use the theory of neural networks and neyroprogramming. This system bases on the input parameters projects. The hidden layer neurons are trained to choose suitable projects of apartment houses with their classification. The projects will be classified depending on the summary significance of their main output parameters. As a result, the customer receives the predicted basic parameters of the future investment project without developing a complex pre-design documentation.


  • Ever since the USSR timeline design solutions have been assessed according to various criteria and indicators

  • technical doctrine used for evaluation of design solutions distinguishes itself at the present stage

  • The doctrine has been complemented by theory of efficiency

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Сivil and Industrial Engineering

Высокая стоимость всех этапов жизненного цикла инвестиционного проекта в строительстве обусловливает необходимость максимально точно просчитать целесообразность инвестиций еще до начала проектных работ при оценке инвестиционного замысла. В Республике Беларусь законодательно закреплена предынвестиционная стадия разработки проекта строительства. Для оценки проектного решения на данной стадии необходимо разработать обоснование инвестиций, план управления проектом и бизнес-план проекта, которые позволят комплексно оценить и сравнить несколько вариантов будущих объектов. Она позволит заказчику (инвестору) выбрать вариант проектного решения при строительстве объекта недвижимости без разработки предпроектной документации из нескольких вариантов. В разрабатываемой системе оценки проектных решений объектов жилой недвижимости на предынвестиционной стадии предполагается использовать теорию нейронных сетей и нейропрограммирования. Ключевые слова: предынвестиционная стадия, система оценки, проектные решения, объекты жилой недвижимости, нейронная сеть, сеть Ворда. Д. Система оценки проектных решений объектов жилой недвижимости на предынвестиционной стадии с применением технологии нейронных сетей / Г. Evaluation System of Design Solutions for Residential Property on Pre-Investment Stage Through Neural Network Technology

Жизненный цикл объекта и его предынвестиционная стадия
Проектирование Экспертиза проекта
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Эволюция подходов к оценке проектных решений
Общие понятия нейронных сетей
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