
During the Hitomi (Astro-H) commissioning observations the SXS dewar gate valve (GV) remained closed to protect the instrument from initial spacecraft outgassing. As a result, the optical path of the observations included the Be window installed on the GV. Both x-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis and x-ray transmission measurements were performed in June 2016 on the flight-spare Be window which is the same lot as the flight material at SPring-8 in Japan. The beamline operating range is 3.8 - 30 keV. We used a beam spot size of 1 mm × 0.2 mm to measure two positions on the Be window, at the center of the window and at one position 6.5 mm off-center. We used simultaneous transmission measurements of standard materials for energy calibration. The transmission data clearly showed Fe and Ni K-edges, plus a marginal detection of the Mn K-edge. We found that our transmission data was best fit using the following component Be: 261.86±0.01μm, Cr: 3nm (fixed), Mn: 3.81±0.05nm, Fe: 10.83±0.05nm, Ni: 16.48±0.03nm, Cu: 5nm (fixed). The transmission is reduced 1% at the Fe K-edge. The amount of contaminated materials are comparable to the values of the value provided by the vender. The surface transmission is strained with σ = 0.11% of the unbiased standard deviation calculated variation in the residuals between the measured value and the model.

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