
Molecular visualization is a prerequisite to the understanding of a diverse range of topics in the undergraduate pharmacy curriculum, from the stereochemistry of organic compounds to receptor ligand interaction. Unfortunately, traditional teaching does not allow all students to develop the ability to visualize three-dimensional molecular structure. We have developed a computer package which integrates tutorial instruction with interactive molecular modelling algorithms. The designation of R and S to chiral molecules was chosen as the subject material for the prototype courseware. We describe the design and implementation of an integrated evaluation scheme following the incorporation of the program into the undergraduate pharmacy curriculum at several U.K. universities. The results suggest that a usable and engaging interface had been produced, that provided an intuitive front-end to the complexity of the molecular modelling tools. Possible limitations in the ability of students to form mental representations of three-dimensional molecular structures have been identified. Further work on the effects of student attributes, such as gender and handedness, on effective use of the courseware is suggested.

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