
Today’s multipolar world, one can observe how different countries with different degree of agency on the international arena, seek to be actively involved in the development of recommendations for settling the existing crises, and pursue their foreign policy based on the own resources and national interests. This naturally results in complication of the system of international relations and makes it extremely difficult for its leading actors to make adequate decisions. The fact that the modern “world powers” have fundamentally different socioeconomic and political structure, aggravates the situation even more. Different values, principles of economic management, attitudes towards the role of the key social institutions and elements of the political system impede constructive communication between the states. Despite the efforts of many politicians, Europe is yet to reach cultural and political unity. The EU member-states have strong differences with regards to domestic and foreign policy; and some states continue to seek solutions to the existing crises, guided by their own principles of effective management. This defines the relevance of outlining the prospects for the convergence of national systems of political decision-making, since the discrepancy in this sphere increases distrust among the countries, parties and government leaders, as well as creates the background for various abusive activities.

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