
The role of the local protagonists became many times - is it from eurocentristic points of view or ideological considerations - underestimates. So, one must probably move away from the idea that great power's influences "alone the driving strength behind the politics in the region, still the reason for their notorious shortness of breath has been". The local protagonists in the here treated time period was consequently "no hapless victims of the European powers, but active participants in the rebuilding of the region". The basis - conflict between the Saudian state of the 18th and 19th century and the Ottoman empire existed in it, that reform believers challenged an imperial system, that was upheld by Panislamism. The Hanaf - i school - direction of the Islam corresponded to the needs of a multinational Empire in one itself massively changing political surroundings. Of enormous importance for the Ottomans was the maintenance of the pilgrimage to Mecca and Medina. In the Middle and Far East the Russian - British contrast offered sufficiently explosive material, although a British - Russian approach, that had remained largely unheeded from the German diplomats, had taken place with the agreement of Ku w ska 1895. Nevertheless, the British predominance at the Persian Gulf was challenged through France, Russia and Germany in the last decade. After Troller, at the Persian Gulf concentrated a conglomerate of British interests: imperiale interests of the Empires, strategic considerations to the India - defense, British - Indian trade - interests and local Gulf - politics. After Kortepeter British imperiale politics in the 19th century went through three phases: "an initial change from the imperial Russia to the support of the Ottoman empire; a second change from France away and his comfort with the regime of Muhammad Al I - i; and finally, a reapprochement at Russia and France to beginning of the 20th century, in order to protect his position against the imperial Germany's ascent in this region." The further - existence of the Saudian emirate to beginning of the 20th century took place in a climate of massive penetration of the Ottoman empire, the growth and the development of modern technology, and the incapability of the Ottoman leadership, to formulate an ideology, which the Muslim community could persuade in its difference to the unrestricted loyalty. On the Arabic peninsula, with the opening of Suez Canal and the tanzim - at - reforms began a process, in whose course the Ottoman government was ousted on the basis of its successive retreat owing of the liberation - fight of the Christian peoples of the Balkans, the Panslavism and the big - Russian chauvinism from the Balkans. It looked for compensation in its Asian provinces. For this purpose, it developed the highways, especially the railroad - connections. An Arabic state, as it also was striven for Muhammad ibn Ra w I s - id in the borders of the Jordan until Persia, the Ottoman empire had to understand as threat however. The rise of the Saudian state came towards at least partially also Ottoman interests with it.

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