
Each year in November the city of Paris hosts the Annual Meting of the French Academy of Orthopaedic Surgery. Each year, during this intense week, our publisher, Springer Verlag, organize the Board Meeting of the EJOST. It became a tradition for the members of the board to spend time together discussing projects of development and improvement for our publication, analyse statistics and trends, approve activities. This year the meeting was particularly intense. Honoured by the presence of the new associate Editor in Chief, Professor Paul Botez from Iasi, the Board meeting approved and welcomed the adhesion of the Romanian Society of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology (SOROT) as an oYcial member of the Journal (Fig. 1). The adhesion work started in 2008 when M. Scarlat participated in the National Congress of the SOROT in Oradea and made a presentation of the Journal. He used this occasion to invite the young orthopaedists to write and to publish in the EJOST. Several papers were submitted for publication in the EJOST after the meeting. In 2009 the SOROT Annual Congress discussed within the Board an oYcial invitation to join the Journal. Our Editor, Pierre Kehr participated in this meeting and presented two Instructional Course Lectures. The Romanian Orthopaedic Society have an Orthopaedic Journal that is published in Romanian. The Director of the Romanian Journal, Pr. Gorun is a Wne scientist who is a member of the Romanian Academy of Medicine. During the discussions it was accepted the principle that the SOROT may adopt the EJOST as an oYcial Journal and that the EJOST may consider for international publication the best papers proposed by the Romanian Journal of Orthopadics. The persons involved in the development of this new way of cooperation are Pr. Dan Poenaru from Timisoara, the President of the SOROT, Pr. Dumitru Stanculescu from Bucharest, the past president, Pr. Adrian Barbilian from Bucharest, Dr Calin Carstoiu, General Secretary of the SOROT and Pr. Paul Botez from Iasi who is the person in charge with the development of the Romanian participation to EJOST and who was appointed by the board of editors as a new Assistant Editor in Chief. His deputy is Pr. Tibi Bataga from Tg. Mures. As a result of this work the adhesion agreement was signed recently at the Springer headquarters in Paris. The relation between the EJOST and the SOROT started on excellent basis since more than 2 years and a major part of the members of the SOROT receive the printed version of the EJOST regularly. The history of Romanian orthopaedics includes prestigious names as I. Juvara who described an original technique of knee fusion in tumour surgery in 1911 or I. Jianu who was a founding member of the SICOT. The Wrst Romanian Society of Orthopaedics and Traumatology was founded in the city of CLUJ in 1935 at the initiative of Pr. Alexandru Radulescu. The society was rebuilt on modern principles on March 31 1990, the Wrst president of the newly created society being Pr. Ion Dinulescu, a very Wne surgeon and teacher who passed away a few years ago. SOROT develops orthopaedics and Traumatology in Romania supporting and encouraging education, research, training specialists and specialty care, facilitating the exchange of professional experience in the country and abroad and promoting friendship and scientiWc debate among its members. M. M. Scarlat (&) · P. Botez · P. Kehr · C. MauVrey · P. Simon · V. Travers Clinique Chirurgicale St. Michel, Toulon, France e-mail: mscarlat@gmail.com

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