
Europe is one of the world’s seven continents consisting of approximately 50 states. Precisely where the division betweenEurope andAsia lies is still a matter of some debate. Sometimes the word “Europe” is used in a geopolitical way to refer only to the European Union. TheEuropeanUnion is composed of 27Member States. The enlargement of the European Union is the process of expanding through the accession of new Member States. This process began with the Inner Six, who founded the European Coal and Steel Community (the EU’s predecessor) in 1952. Since then, the EU’s membership has grown to twenty-sevenwith the most recent expansion to Bulgaria and Romania in 2007. Europe is multilayered, multi-centred and complex. It is not surprising that the process of providing it with a constitution is long and difficult. Fortunately Europe has found ways of going forward on the basis of its desire to go forward, whether or not all the rules are in place to make things happen. Europe exists because many peoplewant it to exist and are building it,working together toward common goals [1]. Building Europe, defining its constitution and strengthening its citizenship is not a yes/no matter, but an on-going activity. Europe is and it is becoming. Europe is a learning and developing process. The idea of Europe is underpinned in practice as well as in theory by shared political, economic and social values. Insofar as these are concretely protected, enhanced and developed, they will become real rights. The European Charter of Fundamental Rights contains six sections: dignity; freedoms; equality; solidarity; citizens’ rights; justice [2]. 2. Objectives of the European Union

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