
The European Commission has established an Inter-Service Group on nuclear Off-Site Emergency Preparedness in Eastern Europe to better coordinate its various activities in this area. The main aims of the Group are: (i) to contribute to improvements in local, regional, and national off-site emergency preparedness arrangements in Eastern Europe, and (ii) to establish and/or improve arrangements for information exchange within Eastern Europe and with the European Union (EU) in the event of any future nuclear emergency. Progress made by the Group in its first year of existence is summarised. Particular attention is given to the results of an assessment of needs in off-site emergency preparedness in some fourteen countries in Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. The assessment was wide ranging and covered topics as diverse as legislative and organisational matters, through capabilities for monitoring and decision support to the more practical considerations of emergency response. Priorities for assistance were identified and, in response to these, a number of projects are in the process of being implemented; these include the provision of iodine tablets for distribution to emergency personnel and to the public in emergency planning zones; protective clothing, monitoring equipment and basic communications equipment for emergency teams; improvements to early warning monitoring systems around nuclear power stations; accelerated implementation of the RODOS decision support system; training; and a prototype system to improve data exchange within Eastern Europe and with the EU. The scope and content of these projects are described in the context of a longer term plan to provide assistance in this area.

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