
Abstract In the multilateral forum of the WTO, trade-related intellectual property issues constitute one of the reasons for the dilemma in Doha negotiations. It is interesting to note, however, an increasing convergence between the EU and China’s policies in supporting the improvement of international intellectual property (IP) protection, and these two actors have even formed an alliance to promote stronger protection for the geographical indications. In order to understand the EU’s and China’s standpoint in international IP regulatory cooperation, it is necessary to examine their interaction and proposals in the WTO framework. This examination will provide insight into the issues on which these two major actors are readily able to reach agreement. It will also reveal the issues on which their differences still remain or have gradually narrowed to facilitate a rapprochement of views; accordingly, this paper reviews cooperation between the EU and China in multilateral negotiations on genetic resources and protection of geographical indications. The study will further examine the challenges leading to obstruction of the Doha negotiations.

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