
Mild perioperative hypothermia is a frequent complication of anesthesia and surgery. Core temperature should be monitored during general anesthesia and during regional anesthesia for large operations. Reliable sites of core temperature monitoring include the tympanic membrane, nasopharynx, esophagus, bladder, rectum, and pulmonary artery. The skin surface is not an acceptable site for monitoring core temperature. Anesthetic-induced vasodilation initially rapidly decreases core temperature secondary to an internal redistribution of heat rather than an increased heat loss to the environment. Both general and regional anesthetics impair thermoregulation, increasing the interthreshold range; that is, the range of core temperatures over which no autonomic response to cold or warmth occurs. Preinduction skin surface warming is the only means to prevent this initial redistribution hypothermia. Forced-air warming is the most effective method of rewarming hypothermic patients intraoperatively.

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