
Background/Objectives: The purpose of the article is to justify the ethnic and cultural bases of students' vocational training in pedagogical university, focused on formation of ethnic identity, tolerance and prevention of intolerance. Methods: Sociological surveys were conducted among employers, students, parents, graduates of various years and the questionnaire results were analyzed to substantiate our approach to vocational training of teachers and to the development of the Basic Educational Program (BEP) for applied bachelor degree course. The results of a sociological survey confirmed the relevance of the problem. Findings: The bachelor teachers' vocational education modernization is justified with regard to the ethno-cultural situation in the region. The Basic Educational Program (BEP) for applied bachelor degree course majoring in 44.03.01 Pedagogic Education, the profile of Preschool is developed and introduced. The program focuses on providing specialized, fundamental, practical training of preschool teachers taking into account regional peculiarities of the republic. A distinctive feature of applied bachelor degree program is close interaction with the pre-school educational institutions. The integration of activities of university teachers and skilled practitioners of preschool educational organizations provides a high level of teacher training. and Pedagogical School Scientific and Methodical Support of the Pre-School Education Development in the Conditions of North is operating, within which more than 40 research projects were implemented in experimental sites of the republic. The activities of the scientific school have made a certain contribution to the theoretical and scientific-practical development of ethno-cultural education in the North. As a result, a laboratory of ethnic and cultural education was established. Applications/Improvements: Ethno-cultural approach in vocational education will allow for qualitative training of future teachers, forming their civic identity, aimed at strengthening peace, respect for people, friendship and solidarity.

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