
This article mainly considers the parameter estimation problem for the Gaussian Vasicek process defined as d X t = ( α − β X t ) d t + σ t d G t , t≥0 with unknown parameters α∈ℝ and β < 0, where G t is a continuous centered Gaussian process. The volatility parameter σ t is allowed to vary with time t. Based on the time-continuous observations and least squares method, the Least squares estimations of drift parameters for the non ergodic Gaussian Vasicek model with time-varying volatility are obtained. The strong consistency and asymptotic distributions of proposed estimations are verified under some sufficient conditions. Finally, we verify that the results are still valid under different forms of the volatility function when G t is fractional Brownian motion, sub-fractional Brownian motion, and bi-fractional Brownian motion, respectively. In some sense, our results extend the findings of El Machkouri, Es-Sebaiy, and Ouknine (2016) and Es-Sebaiy and Sebaiy (2021).

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