
This article focuses on prerequisites for the establishment of feminism in Portugal, history of main Portuguese feminist organizations and basic conditions for their functioning. This research is based on the comparative analysis of socio-political environment in Portugal and in several other states (mainly located in Western Europe) in different periods of their history. Basing on the aforementioned analysis, the author comes to the conclusion that feminism in Portugal has generally been moderate and has passed three phases in its development. These phases are in line with three waves that are basically seen as the key milestones in the history of the feminist movement around the world. The first wave lasted from the middle of the 19th century until the 1930s and was characterized by the struggle of Portuguese women for such common rights as the right to work and electoral rights. At this stage Portuguese feminism developed in line with the traditional trend. The second wave in Portugal lasted from the 1960s until the 1990s. During this period scientists working created numerous books and articles, criticising the patriarchy and the problems of women. The discussion of reproductive rights of women, problems in the family and sexual sphere was also typical for this period. The feminist theory of the third wave was developing since the 1990s and continues to develop up to the present moment. It is based on the gender approach: women assert their rights to abortion and affordable contraception, combat against oppression from men and gender-based discrimination. At the same time, the feminism of the third wave is becoming more diverse and can be characterized as intersectional. The feminist movement in Portugal triggered deep social transformations. Most of the achievements of the feminist movement today cannot be put into question. Nevertheless, there is still a long way to go to achieve a change in mentality of Portuguese society, to reduce female unemployment and gender inequality at work, to combat domestic violence.


  • This article focuses on prerequisites for the establishment of feminism in Portugal, history of main Portuguese feminist organizations and basic conditions for their functioning

  • This research is based on the comparative analysis of socio-political environment in Portugal and in several other states in different periods of their history

  • THE ESTABLISHMENT AND DEVELOPMENT OF FEMINISM IN PORTUGALKhvan M.S. 2020. The Establishment and Development of Feminism in Portugal. Concept: Philosophy, Religion, Culture. Vol 4. No 1(13). P. 150–163. https://doi.org/0.24833/2541-8831-2020-1-13-150-163 Received: 13.11.2019. Accepted:03.03.2020. Conflicts of interest. The author declares absence of conflicts of interest

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В статье рассматриваются предпосылки возникновения феминизма в Португалии, история и условия существования в этой стране основных феминистских организаций. Сравнительный анализ общественно-политических процессов в Португалии и других государствах преимущественно Западной Европы на различных этапах позволил сделать вывод о том, что хотя феминизм в рассматриваемой нами стране, как правило, имел умеренный характер, эволюция его развития в целом соответствует трём волнам, на которые принято подразделять историю феминистского движения. И всё же, несмотря на столь повышенное внимание к феминизму со стороны как отечественных, так и зарубежных учёных, их работы, как правило, либо сосредоточены на анализе отдельных аспектов и направлений феминизма, либо ограничены временными рамками, либо посвящены деятельности конкретных личностей и организаций, определённых событий. Попытка комплексного исследования португальского феминизма с момента основания первых феминистских организаций в XIX веке и до наших дней в настоящей статье предпринимается впервые, что обусловливает новизну темы. В русле общемировых тенденций и в соответствии с теорией трёх волн, происходило становление и развитие феминизма и в Португалии

Зарождение феминизма в Португалии
Завоевания второй волны
Взгляд в будущее
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