
This paper presents an overview of foreign and domestic research, on issues and modernization of the system of state financial control. The need to develop a conceptual categorical base of the state financial control of Ukraine in accordance with the international standard, have been identified. Since, «state financial control» synthesizes a number of complementary concepts such as «control», «financial control» and general idea of public functions; the given concepts have been classified. «Financial control» and «state financial control» are classified by common categories: function, system and institution. The main goals and principles of state financial control are indicated. The system of public financial control bodies is schematically depicted. It is proved that the concept of «public financial control» is narrower in meaning than the concept of «financial control». We have identified public financial control as a separate type of control. This article is a kind of theoretical contribution to the formation of a single conceptual and categorical apparatus of public financial control. The main problem in Ukraine has been identified, and the problem of creating an integrated system of state financial control remains unresolved in the country. It is noted that the functions and powers of state bodies are duplicated. Public financial control is the final stage of the public administration process. The main purpose of public financial control is manifested in the practical satisfaction of the purpose of public life. That is, public financial control is a necessary condition for a democratic society and is a legitimate activity of public authorities and management, which permeates all financial and economic activities. As for the legal framework of state financial control, it is not yet fully formed, the current laws are valid for a particular control service separately, there is no unification.

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