
Any enterprise cannot function effectively in modern conditions without effective management of itsfinancial resources. The article defines the term «money». It has been shown that the presence of cash inthe enterprise affects the efficiency of its operation and that money is a product of the evolutionary development of commodity relations. The risks of violation of the continuous system of settlements between legalentities have been reflected, the signs of money have been characterized. An analysis of the interpretation ofthe concept of «money» given in the economic literature was made. It has been studied how a decrease incash receipts reduces outgoing cash flows, one of the most controversial issues in the theory of money hasbeen considered - the question of the functions of money and its essence in accordance with the theoreticaland methodological developments of foreign and domestic economists. It has been proven that the correctness of decision-making management depends on the correct use of information on the movement of funds.The role of electronic money in the modern world has been reflected and it has been shown that electronicmoney is a very convenient means for making quick payments.

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