
Several sample-return missions such as OSIRIS-REx, Hayabusa2, and Mars 2020 recently have or are currently, collecting the most pristine planetary samples we can analyze on Earth since the Apollo missions. Therefore, it is essential to create instrumentation that will allow preliminary compositional analysis of these materials while preventing oxidation, alteration, or contamination from Earth’s environment. At York University, a small, transportable environmental chamber with temperature, pressure, and atmosphere control has been integrated on an optical table with a combined UV (266 nm) and Green (532 nm) Raman, laser-induced fluorescence, and time-resolved laser-induced fluorescence instrument. This system can collect high-resolution 2D spectroscopic maps, long accumulation point analysis and time-resolved fluorescence ‘fingerprinting’. The sample chamber is capable of pressures <10−4 mbar, temperatures <−20 °C, and different atmospheric compositions such nitrogen, argon, or carbon dioxide via gas hookup. The intended use of the system is to detect and identify minerals and organics within sensitive or fragile planetary samples using minimally destructive laser-based techniques, while maintaining specific environmental conditions to preserve and maintain the pristineness of the material being analyzed, such as samples returned from planetary missions.

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