
Picric acid possesses the property, which is rare among strong electrolytes, of having a convenient distribution ratio between water and certain organic solvents such as benzene, chloroform, etc. Because of this property, picric acid offers peculiar advantages for studying the well known deviations of strong electrolytes from the law of mass action, for; by means of distribution experiments, the activities of picric acid in various aqueous solutions may be compared. In order to interpret the results of such distribution experiments, it is necessary to know the degree of ionization of picric acid in aqueous solutions. At least three series of determinations of the equivalent conductance of picric acid have been published, but the results are not concordant; and therefore, the degree of ionization cannot be calculated with any degree of certainty. The object of the present investigation was to redetermine the conductance of picric acid solutions in order to obtain satisfactory data from which the degrees of ionization of its solutions might be calculated.

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