
This article deals with a sensitive issue which affects a professional category of the Romanian healthcare system, nurses, namely, the issue of the equivalence of studies/ revalorization of diplomas. This problem was determined by the need to integrate the professional training of nurses into the types of training accepted within the European Union, as well as by the inaccurate transposition of some of the European principles into the national legislation. The content is represented by the fact that the nurses who graduated from the previous type of professional training are now forced to take the initial training from the start in order to be able to advance. The solution we propose is the balance of skills, an institution which recognizes all the skills possessed by someone, irrespective of the way in which the same were obtained, based on the principles of Directives 2005/36/CE and 2013/55/EU. The result of this solution is the equivalence of the skills of this category of nurses into the European Credit Transfer System, followed by the possibility to complete one’s professional training in order to obtain the degree of Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

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