
The diploid IR6 gene (ORF 67) of equine herpesvirus type 1 (EHV-1) is absent in the modified live EHV-1 vaccine strain RacH and is present in a mutated form in the avirulent EHV-1 strains RacM24 and RacM36, such that the IR6 protein fails to form the typical rod-like structures observed for wild-type EHV-1 RacL11. To assess the role of the IR6 protein in EHV-1 replication and virulence, two recombinant RacH viruses, HIR6-1 and HIR6-2, that harbor a single copy of the wild-type IR6 gene were engineered and characterized. It was shown that: (i) HIR6-1 or HIR6-2 virus encoded for an IR6 protein that was capable of forming the rod-like structures typical of cells infected with the wild-type virulent virus strain RacL11. (ii) Whereas the avirulent EHV-1 strains RacH and RacM36 are temperature-sensitive (in that virus replication at 40° versus that at 37° was reduced by as much as 7,500-fold), the HIR6-1 and HIR6-2 viruses, like RacL11 virus, were capable of significant replication at the elevated temperature. (iii) Electron microscopic analyses revealed that cells infected with the HIR6-1 or HIR6-2 virus, like those infected with virulent RacL11 virus, produced and released comparable numbers of virus particles at both 37 and 40°. In cells infected with the RacH virus at 40°, however, release of extracellular particles was inhibited by greater than 90% and relatively few of the particles were enveloped. (iv) Infections of BALB/cA mice revealed that both the HIR6-1 and HIR6-2 viruses, unlike the parent RacH virus, were as virulent as the wild-type RacL11 strain as judged by the criteria of body weight loss, development of clinical signs of EHV-1 infection, virus titers in the lung, and ability to cause viremia. These findings and those of our recent studies indicate that the IR6 protein is a major determinant of EHV-1 virulence and that the IR6 protein may play a role in virus maturation and/or egress.

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