
ABSTRACTPlural citizenship has become a stealth incident of globalisation. Plural citizenship makes liberal theorists uncomfortable. Accepting plural citizenship vindicates autonomy values, but it also challenges equality norms. This paper explores these equality concerns. As a sociological matter, plural citizenship is unlikely to create substantial inequalities in states whose passports enjoy premium status. Additional citizenships for citizens of the global North may result in marginal advantage but will not result in discontinuous life chances. In the South, the rise of plural citizenship may create a new axis of haves and have-nots. Those who can avail themselves fully of developed economies as citizens while remaining connected to their countries of origin will enjoy major advantages over their mono-national homeland counterparts. This objection needs to be taken seriously. However, there is no apparent corrective for the resulting inequality. Efforts to police dual citizenship will result in other inequalities, either by deterring naturalisation by emigrants in their new states of residence or depriving diaspora members of rights in their homeland polities. A better strategy to address the inequalities of dual citizenship would be to further interrogate and dilute the advantages of citizenship itself.

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