
This article analyzes the significance of the epic «Manas» in the historical heritage of the Kyrgyz people, as well as its status and role in the modern cultural space of the republic. The significance of the epic «Manas» is defined as a core of traditional kyrgyz culture and one of the main institutions of modern artistic culture. Examines creative experiences in the interpretation of epic images embodied in the Kyrgyz fine art of the twentieth century (Theodore Gertsen, Taalai Kurmanov, Turgunbai Sadykov). The problem of inculturation of young generation through the use of epic heritage is raised. We are talking about multi-dimensional use of the rich content of artistic images of the epos in different spheres of culture and purposeful inclusion of the young generation of different ages to the system of fundamental values contained in them. In addition, the question is raised about the need to create modern professional art works based on the epos on a solid literary basis, on the basis of serious drama and a deep reading of the images and precepts of the ancestors, accumulated in the great poetic heritage of the Kyrgyz people.

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