
Megafossils from six discrete clay lenses at two sites in the Alcoa Anglesea open-cut coal mine were scored for frequency of 19 leaf types to determine if the observed distinctness of the floras was real. An analysis of the pollen/spore assemblages from the six lenses and from a vertical transect taken at the second site was also undertaken (a) to confirm the age of the deposit, (b) to determine if the microfloras of the lenses were distinctive and (c) to compare mega- and microcomponents of the flora. This analysis confirmed placement of the clay lenses at the onset of the Middle Nothofagidites asperus Zone of the late Middle Eocene age. No significant differences in the microfloras of the six lenses were observed. Accessory analysis of the geology of the locality revealed a sedimentation pattern consistent with a meandering stream system, perhaps containing local lacustrine elements. All megafossil taxa identifiable to family or lower (except Lauraceae) were found to be present in the combined pollen/sp...

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