
Various events, both natural and man-induced, have been identified as potential sources of disturbance to corals adjacent to the North West Shelf Project's Onshore Gas Treatment Plant on the Burrup Peninsula in the Dampier Archipelago. These events include cyclones, dredging and dredge spoil dumping operations, shipping activities, effluent discharge and oil spills.Environmental monitoring has indicated that the coral assemblages near the Onshore Gas Treatment Plant have been adversely affected by Project-related operations and tropical cyclones. The effects on corals due to dredging and spoil dumping activities have been shown to be localised and limited to a distance of 1.5 km from the nearest point of operation.Cyclone Ilona (1988) and Cyclone Orson (1989) were amongst the strongest recorded in the Dampier Archipelago. These cyclones caused extensive coral damage throughout the Archipelago, especially on the eastern side of Mermaid Sound. By 1990, recruitment of corals was observed at many of the sites indicating that corals were beginning to recover.

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