
Foreword by William Cronon Acknowledgments Introduction Part 1. Warnings Pollution in Donora, PA: Epidemiology of the Unusual Smog Episode of October 1948, Preliminary Paul Shepard, Place of Nature in Man's World, The Atlantic Naturalist (1958) Howard Zahniser, Wilderness Forever (1961) Rachel Carson, Silent Spring (1962) Carl Carmer, Testimony before the Federal Power Commission in the Matter of Consolidated Edison (1964) Part 2. A Dying Planet Paul R. Ehrlich, The Population Bomb (1968) Stewart Brand, Whole Earth Catalog (1969) Jack Newfield, Lead Poisoning: Silent Epidemic in the Slums, Village Voice (1969) Daniel W. Hannan, Testimony before the Allegheny County Commissioners (1969) United Auto Workers, Letter Initiating Down River Anti-Pollution League (1969) Dr. N. K. Sanders, Santa Barbara Oil Spill: Impact on (1969) Seattle-King County Department of Public Health, Annual Report, 1969 Part 3. Earth Year 59 The National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 Editorial, National Review Bulletin (1970) Citizens Association of Beaufort County, This What You Want for South Carolina's Waters? Columbia Record (1970) Richard Nixon, Special Message to the Congress on Environmental Quality (1970) Frank Herbert, How Indians Would Use Fort, Seattle Post-Intelligencer (1970) Barry Commoner, Harvard University Lecture (1970) Walt Kelly, Pogo Poster: We Have Met the Enemy, and He Is Us (1970) Gaylord Nelson, Earth Day Speech, Denver, Colorado (1970) Nathan Hare, Ecology, The Black Scholar (1970) Letters from Schoolchildren to Carl Stokes, Mayor of Cleveland (1970) Representative Louis Stokes, Address in Congress Supporting Rivers and Harbors and Flood Control Act of 1970 (1970) Ray Osrin, Someday Son, All This Will Be Yours, Cleveland Plain Dealer (1970) Eleanor Phinney, Letter to the Oregon Environmental Council (1970) Group Against Smog and Pollution (GASP), Public Service Announcements (1970) Clean Air Act Amendments (1970) Part 4. Is Cata strophe Coming? A Select Committee of the University of Montana, Report on the Bitterroot National Forest (1970) Dale A. Burk, Photograph of the Bitterroot Forest, Montana (1971) Governor Ronald Reagan, Remarks before the American Petroleum Institute (1971) Dr. Joseph T. Ling, Testimony Regarding the Water Pollution Control Act (1971) Council of the Southern Mountains, We Will Stop the Bulldozers (1972) William O. Douglas, Dissent, Sierra Club v. Morton (1972) John Maddox, Catastrophe Coming?, The Doomsday Syndrome (1972) Declaration of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment (1972) Part 5. Continuation Jimmy Carter, Energy Problem: Address to the Nation (1977) Robert A. Roland, Statement Regarding Superfund (1979) A Mother's Reflections on the Love Canal Disaster (1982) Dr. James E. Hansen, Testimony Regarding the Greenhouse Effect and Global Climate Change (1987) Bibliographical Essay Index

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