
To compare country-specific food-based dietary guidelines (FBDGs) with respect to in the life cycle (LC) energy inputs. Thirty-two international FBDGs were collected via Internet searches and through review of current literature on this topic. Of the 32, 12 published FBDGs with additional details, including diet-related information and recommendations about portion size for each food group. For each recommended food and appropriate portion size, LC energy inputs (mJ/kg) were calculated based on the Carlsson-Kanyama study. To fairly compare the LC energy inputs of 12 FBDGs, an adjusted recommended energy intake of 2000 kcal/person was used. The minimum and maximum LC energy intensity of each FBDG was reported. Total daily LC energy intensity associated with the recommendations for one person varied from 11.3 mJ–37.6 mJ (median = 17.4 mJ, n = 24). When we adjusted the energy intake of each country to the benchmark of 2000 kcal, the median LC energy intensity was 15.3 mJ (12.9–17.5 mJ, n = 12). The highest LC energy intensity was associated with the FBDGs of Portugal, the lowest to Korea. The variation factor of LC energy intensity in each FBDG corresponded to the amount of food recommended by dietary experts. The energy intensity associated with the LC of food plays a key role in quantifying and effectively communicating the equivalent amount of greenhouse gas emissions. The concept of LC energy impact in this study could be used to guide policy makers and consumers toward ecologically responsible dietary recommendations.

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