
Everything has a life cycle, as we all know. Everything has a life cycle: living creatures, non-living objects, governments, the world, astronomical bodies, the solar system, galaxies, and the universe. A sine wave, according to Fourier, may explain any physical phenomenon. A dc (constant) portion, a sin wave with fundamental time period, and its harmonics make up any arbitrary signal or physical phenomenon. We are left with merely a sine wave of fundamental period if we remove the harmonics from any arbitrary signal or physical phenomenon. Because the fundamental period sine wave contains over 90% of the signal energy, removing all harmonics does not result in a significant loss of signal energy, but it does result in the basic shape of the signal or physical phenomenon - a sine wave. A sine wave is the fundamental building block of all physical occurrences, including the life cycle of all living things from microbes to the universe. Any life cycle's optimal shape is a sine wave. Nature allows only minor deviations from the basic sine wave to generate different shapes. Although minor, these deviations can be attributed to the effect of imaginary time, which brings unpredictability into the life cycle. The amount of unpredictability in the life cycle is represented by the amount of deviation. The amount of unpredictability in a life cycle represents the amount of fictitious time involved. The amount of deviation (amount of harmonics) determines the structure of the various life cycles. However, if we smooth out the variations by averaging them, we'll end up with a sine wave, which is the basic building block of the Universe.

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