
The period dating from 1789 to about 1830 is the epoch of the Romanticism, who first exponens among others were Blake, Coleridge, Southey, Wordsworth and in a second generation Byron, Shelley, and Keats who all died at young age. Many values and interest of the Romantic period remained alive through the nineteen century with poets such as Yeats and Stevens. Imagination, Nature, the Self, and Eternity are among the elements that the period named “Romantic”. Indeed imagination and insight are in fact inseparable and form for all practical purposes a single faculty. “For Coleridge imagination is the primary instrument of all spiritual and creative activities.” At the ages of about 33 Wordsworth passed a crisis and this dealt to experience two different ideas about nature; the first one when he wrote Tintern Abbey in 1798, he distinguished the blessed of nature. Some years later, the other came when this all-absorbing wision was lost. Kubla Khan written by Coleridge after three hours in a profound sleep, during which time he had the most vivid confidence of the external senses. Rebellion specially ideas on favour of The French Revolution, political points of view idealist as Shelly had and never lost his enthusiasm for revolutionary politics.

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