
The energy trilemma concept provides an important framework for understanding the multidimensional nature of energy policy and planning. It captures three fundamental challenges that highlight the complex interrelationships among energy security, equity, and sustainability. However, effectively addressing these challenges requires a refined understanding of local contexts, regional differences, and governance. This study expands this framework by introducing a context dimension that includes socioeconomic, environmental, and governance factors to complement the Energy Trilemma Index, resulting in the "energy quadrilemma." This framework allows for a more comprehensive examination of regional energy transition challenges in Brazil. The results reveal significant regional disparities, highlighting energy access as a source of socio-spatial inequality in Brazil. The Northeast region excels in energy security, while the Southeast lags in electricity independence. The South, Southeast, and Midwest have outstanding energy equity and environmental sustainability scores. Context indicators exhibit low scores in all regions, particularly in the North and Northeast. In addition, areas with the highest poverty scores have also limited digital access. These findings highlight the need for effective strategies and policies to address the multifaceted challenges of the energy quadrilemma, integrating socioeconomic and governance dimensions to advance energy transitions and planning at the regional level.

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