
The complex number in quantum mechanics and Riemannian geometry in relativity theory is the basic framework for understanding the physical reality on small and large scales. Special theory of relativity has been produced the famous mass-energy equivalence relation. This article investigates photon’s energy theoretically based on photon’s rest mass. And represents the energy equation in terms of a complex number and constitutes by the surface’s geometry. Photon possesses both wave nature and particle nature; due to this reason, photon reveals its various mass forms as zero rest mass, as real and imaginary rest mass. Indeed, the rest mass and energy of the photon is a complex number on the surface of the matter. The photon’s energy depends upon the scalar curvature of the surface of the matter as well as on the wavelength of the photon. In reality, the photon itself reveals the illusion posing with its rest mass, and alongside, it hides itself energy. And this energy equation followed all energy forms of the photon with certain norms.

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