
Object of research is technology of formulation of physiologically active humic products, methods ofaqueous solutions preparation and effectiveness of their impacts on seeds and sprouts of grain and vegetable crops,testing the product in rough soil and climatic conditions of the arid zone of Kazakhstan. Therefore, the purpose ofpaper is development of technology for formulation of preparation and agromethods of its use in order to increaseagricultural crop yields in extreme soil and climatic conditions based on laboratory and field tests, biophysicalmonitoring, and main technological parameters adjustments.The results of testing experimental sample of the product formulated according to the developed technology andagromethods on various types of low-productive soils of arid zones of the republic are presented. Optimalconcentrations of aqueous solutions of humic product for agricultural crops seeds treatment, optimal technologicalparameters to prepare seeds for sowing (duration of treatment with humic product, tempering, etc.) have beendetermined by the method of biotesting: optimal conditions for sowing seeds into soil (substrate moisture content,temperature, salinity) have been determined. Research has been carried out in laboratory conditions in winter and onexperimental sites in several farms.As a result of executed work effectiveness of the product formulated according to the developed technology onlow-productive soils with a salinity level of 0.8 2.2% was established. Increase in the yield of grain crops reaches24.2 - 42.1%, rice 76.2 - 78.6%. and soybean - 34.8%.

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