
There are three interrelated levels of a macromolecular energy-information relay system in the human body, each generated by a specific type of semiconductant tissue and each with a specific function. The surface layer of the energy body, generated by fluid connective tissue and known as the ordinary channel system or meridian system in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), functions in the service of immunosurveillance through detection of distress signals and transmitting energy-information regarding immunoresponse. The middle layer of the energy body, generated by semiconductant hard and spongy bone tissue, known as the extraordinary channel system in TCM, functions in the service of longevity and regeneration, as described in Bodhidharma's classic, Bone Marrow Washing. The bone marrow energy-information system has direct relevance to modern stem-cell research on the role of stem cells in regeneration of injured tissue. The deepest layer of the energy body generated by semiconductant nervous system tissue notably the vagus nerve and spinal column, functions in the service of awakening consciousness and in immortality. This system is described in the Tibetan Inner Fire meditations as well as in the Taoist shen breathing practices. There is very little scientific understanding of the central channel system.

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