
We tested the hypothesis that dietary specialization by foraging garter snakes is accompanied by increased assimilation efficiency on specialist prey items. Our comparison included two closely related garter snake species considered to be slug specialists (Thamnophis ordinoides and Thamnophis elegans terrestris), one fish specialist (Thamnophis couchii), and one diet generalist (Thamnophis elegans elegans). Our results suggest that slug specialists have an energetic advantage over non-slug-eating snakes when both eat slugs. Slug specialists T. ordinoides and T. e. terrestris both have higher assimilation and net assimilation efficiencies when eating slugs than do generalists T. e. elegans and T. couchii. The slug specialists did not experience decreased efficiency when eating fish. Therefore, there was no apparent digestive trade-off for the slug specialists when eating other prey.

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