
The Japanese Urological Association, and Japanese Society of Endourology and ESWL have established the Endoscopic Surgical Skill Qualification System in urological laparoscopy. The system consists of a urological section as well as gynecology and general surgery sections. We present details of the Endoscopic Surgical Skill Qualification System and year 1 results. Endoscopic Surgical Skill Qualification System requirements test the ability to complete common laparoscopic surgeries in each field. In urology applicants are required to complete adrenalectomies or nephrectomies appropriately and safely. Applicants should have 2 years of experience with laparoscopic practice, in addition to having completed a 6-year formal urological training program. Also, each surgeon must have performed more than 20 laparoscopic surgeries. According to assessment guidelines applicant skills are assessed by 2 referees who view unedited videotapes showing the entire laparoscopic procedure. To establish these referees 6 expert referees were first selected and 23 were then chosen from 36 referee applicants. Each referee had completed more than 100 laparoscopic surgeries and was chosen after video assessments by the 6 initial expert referees. Of 5,600 certified urologists in Japan 205 applied to this system in its first year, including 6 expert referees and 36 referee applicants. After video assessments by the referees 136 applicants were certified as having appropriate skills, resulting in a 66% pass rate. The Endoscopic Surgical Skill Qualification System has just started but it has drawn a lot of attention from the public. We hope that this qualification system will help prevent complications of urological laparoscopic surgeries and promote safer surgical procedures.

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