
VE Day was greeted with all the paraphernalia of victory throughout the British empire. In Mauritius, the Council of Government held a special session and announced a two-day public holiday,1 the cannons at Port Louis fired a salvo, church bells rang throughout the island, the Police Band entertained at the Champ de Mars, the Town Hall, the Luna Park and the Majestic were illuminated, there was a Chinese dragon procession, fireworks at Champ de Mars, bonfires at the Citadel and on Signal Mountain, and flags and bunting festooned the streets.2 At Champ de Mars a huge Union Flag hung from the grandstand and the Governor, resplendent in the white dress uniform and pith helmet of the Colonial Service, took the salute. After the victory over Japan there were further celebrations. A reception was held at Le Reduit on 24 August, and a grand parade took place at Port Louis on 30 August; September was declared a public holiday, and around 50 000 people attended a gathering at Champ de Mars.3 KeywordsIndian OceanPublic HolidayBritish EmpirePolice BandChagos ArchipelagoThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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