
List of Musical Examples List of Recorded Excerpts Preface: If this Muses Come to Call Acknowledgements Part I: Performing Styles One: Performing Style: When You Say Something Differently, You Say Something Different Two: Mind the Gap: Current Styles Three: Mainstream Style: Chops, but no Soul Part II: How Romantic Are We? Four: Classical Music's Coarse Caress Five: The Transparent Performer Six: Changing Meanings, Permanent Symbols Part III: Anachronism and Authenticity Seven: Original Ears Eight: Ways of Copying the Past Nine: The Medium is the Message: Period Instruments Ten: Baroque Oratory Compared with Romantic Autobiography Eleven: Gestural Phrasing Part V: The End of Twelve: Passive and Active Musicking: Stop Staring and Grow Your Own Thirteen: Mainstream Musicking as Early Music Fourteen: Perpetual Revolution Notes List of Bibliographic Abbreviations Bibliography Index

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