
On 1 January 1998 the SRP International Committee took over the function of the former British Radiation Protection Association (BRadPA) as the UK link to the International Radiation Protection Association (IRPA). As a consequence of this BRadPA ceased to exist. This was the culmination of two years of discussion between SRP and the eight other societies which formed BRadPA (or its predecessor) several decades ago as the mechanism whereby several UK societies with an involvement in radiological protection could come together within a single umbrella organisation for the purposes of establishing the international link. It is IRPA's policy only to recognise one organisation in each country. Under the new arrangements SRP has applied for recogition by IRPA as the UK's national affiliate society. In turn SRP has entered into formal agreements with each of the Partner Societies which formerly comprised BRadPA which allow those of their membership who are appropriately qualified to be IRPA members to join SRP as International Members, and hence become part of the IRPA family. In addition the Partner Societies can nominate members to the SRP International Committee according to an arrangement which recognises the proportion of IRPA members arising from each society. On the introduction of the new arrangements the total membership of IRPA through the UK arrangements was 1592. This was distributed through the Partner Societies as follows: All the Partner Societies are looking forward to the new arrangements in anticipation of making a more effective and constructive input into the work of IRPA. The first chairman of the International Committee is Dr R H Corbett (BIR), with Dr R Coates (SRP) as secretary. Roger Coates

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