
This study aims to determine the process of empowering village youth through educational tourism in Kampung Dolanan. Educational tourism of Kampung Dolanan is aimed for for kindergarten and elementary school age children. In educational tourism there is a traditional game, Wayang, which is educational, and has a meaning of togetherness combined with outbond activity. With the existence of the tourism, village youth can be empowered. The determination of research subjects was conducted by purposive method, which consists of facilitators, namely Karang Taruna Desa (Village youth organization), Head of Village, Training 77 and empowered village youth. Data collection techniques were carried out using participatory observation, in-depth interviews, focus group discussions and documentation studies. The result of this research is that the empowerment process carried out by facilitators to village youth consisted of several stages. First, identifying potentials and opportunities. Second, compiling a group work plan based on the results of the research. Third, applying the activity plan. Fourth, monitoring the process of the results of activities, and fifth , evaluation. Keywords: educational tourism, facilitator, youth empowerment,


  • Tourism is a strategic sector and becomes a media for integrating programs and activities between development sectors, so tourism is determined to be a development priority

  • The document in this study aims to collect data from non - human sources in the form of documents or archives related to village youth empowerment by facilitators through village education tours in Kampung Dolanan, Desa Sidowayah, Polanharjo District, Klaten Regency which can be used to complement what is needed by researchers

  • This is in line with the opinion of Mr Surya as head of Training 77 "We, from Taraining 77 and Karang Taruna together with village youth make an evaluation where this evaluation can help to improve the empowerment process in the future, for example we evaluate once a week, namely from the process of mentoring to tourists from the use of innovations that we have given."

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Tourism is a strategic sector and becomes a media for integrating programs and activities between development sectors, so tourism is determined to be a development priority. Based on Law No 10 of 2009 concerning Tourism, the state of nature, flora and fauna, as the gift of God Almighty, as well as historical, artistic, and cultural heritage possessed by the Indonesian people constitute tourism development resources and capital for improvement prosperity and welfare of the people and as stated in the Law of the Republic of Indonesia. Educational tourism is a tourist trip that has added educational value, not just traveling, and aims to add values to education for all participants. Educational tourism is an activity that is generally carried out by educational institutions, such as schools and other educational institutions. Educational tourism aims to improve the intelligence and creativity of participants in tourism activities (Purwanto 2010).

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