
Abstract. The aim of the study was to determine the momentary odor emission factors from two groups of free-stall dairy cattle barns (traditional and modern frame barns) with natural ventilation systems. The odor emission was measured in Poland (Greater Poland) from spring to autumn 2012. The researched six free-stall dairy cattle barns differed also in the type of resting area and manure removal system. The concentrations of odor were measured with the dynamic olfactometry method according to the European Standard EN 13725:2003 procedure. The concentration of odor in the monitored barns ranged from 101 to 825 ou E m -3 thus it characterized high variability. The mean momentary odor emission factors were lower (p≤0.05) for traditional designs barns than for modern frame barns and ranged from 0.04 to 0.061 ou E s -1 kg -1 and 0.127-0.171 ou E s -1 kg -1 , respectively. The housing system (deep litter, shallow litter, cubicles with floor mats or litter) did not influence on odor emission factors within modern frame barns group and also within the group of traditional designs barns (p≤0.05).

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